Wednesday 17th

Good morning everyone!!!
Today we've got our last activity!!
Here you have an optional game, if you want to play this summer, you can print it and use it.


Monday 15th

Good morning!!!
Here you have the last reviewing game of the year!!
Click on this link, write your name and start playing!!

*Cat: Bon dia! Avui tenim el darrer joc de repàs d'aquest curs, heu de fer clic al link, posar el vostre nom i podreu començar a jugar.

Here you have some more beautiful postcards you've sent me:

Carmen's postcard

Josep's postcard

Julia's postcard
Julia's postcard

Keyra's postcard

Margalida's postcard

Maria's postcard
Maria's postcard

Pau Palmer's postcard

Friday 12th 

Hello everyone!! Here you have the postcards you've been sending.
*Si algú encara no l'ha entregat, encara hi sou a temps! Dilluns penjaré les que rebi durant el cap de setmana.
Have a nice weekend!

Aaron's postcard

Alba Marín's postcard

Andreu's postcard

Elsa's postcard

Eric's postcard

Gianluca's postcard

Jonathan's postcard
Jonathan's postcard

Lluc's postcard
Lluc's postcard

Luci's postcard

Martí's postcard

Mathias' postcard

Melisa's postcard

Mireia's postcard

Nora's postcard

Pau B's postcard

Pau B's postcard

Rafa's postcard

Samreen's postcard

Saray's postcard

Sukhraj's postcard

Uma's postcard

Victor's postcard

Xavi's postcard

Wednesday 10th

Good morning!! How are you today?
Next week you start the summer holidays, so today we will make a postcard to wish all your classmates a great summer!!
1. Take a paper.
2. On one side of the paper, draw something related to summer (a beach, an ice-cream, a palm tree...).
3. On the other side of the paper, you can write your message. Look at my example:

4. Here are some examples of sentences you can use:
TO SAY HELLO: Dear classmates (estimats companys), Dear friends (estimats amics), …
TO TALK ABOUT YOUR PLANS: This summer I will go to summer camp (aniré a un campament), go to summer school (escola d’estiu), swim (nedar), go to the beach (anar a la platja), go to the swimming pool (anar a la piscina), travel (viatjar), meet my friends (veure els amics), meet my family… 
TO WISH A GOOD SUMMER: I hope you have a great summer, I want you to have a fantastic summer, Have fun, Have a great time, Enjoy your holidays (disfrutau les vacances), …
TO SAY GOODBYE: Bye-bye!, Lots of hugs (moltes abraçades), Lots of kisses (moltes besades), Best wishes (vos desitjo lo millor), … and write your name. 

5. Send me your postcards at   and I will post them on the blog.

*Cat: Bon dia!! Com que la setmana que ve ja començau les vacances, aquesta setmana prepararem una postal per desitjar bon estiu als vostres companys. Heu d'agafar un paper, dibuixar qualque cosa relacionada amb l'estiu (una platja, un gelat, una palmera...) i escriure un petit missatge per la classe. Mirau el meu exemple per inspirar-vos, i també vos deix al nº4 alguns exemples de frases que podeu utilitzar per saludar, per contar qualque cosa que fareu a l'estiu, per desitjar un bon estiu i per dir adéu. Me la podeu enviar al meu correu i el proper dia les penjaré al blog. 

Monday 8th

Good morning everyone! We start a new week, let's go!!
Today you need to watch this video and then do a short activity about it.

The video:

The activity:

When you finish the activity, send me a photo of the last screen 📷 at
Lots of hugs! 😀

*Cat: Bon dia a tots, començam nova setmana, avui heu de mirar aquest vídeo i fer l'activitat relacionada. Quan acabeu l'activitat, li heu de fer una foto al missatget del final i enviarme-la per correu a

***ACTUALITZACIONS: A partir d'aquesta setmana, els que ho necessiteu podreu demanar tutories presencials a l'escola, amb cita prèvia. M'ho podeu consultar per email i vos diré l'hora i el protocol a seguir.

Friday 5th

Good morning, how are you today?
Today we have a guessing game: Guess the city!
I'm going to write some clues about this city and if you guess which one it is, send me an email with the name of the city at

Clue nº1
In this city, there are lots of museums you can visit, like the Natural History Museum. Here you can see dinosaur skeletons, plants and minerals. You can visit it for free!

Clue nº2
There are many parks in this city. In Hyde Park, you can make a picnic, play games and ride a boat.

Clue nº3
Do you like toys? There are amazing toy shops in this city.

Clue nº4 
Transport is not a poblem here. There are many bus stops and underground stations also.
You can go on a double decker bus if you want!


Clue nº5 
Don't worry. There are many funny things to do. There are lots of cinemas and theatres.

Clue nº6 
This is the last clue!! I think now you know the name of the city, but just in case...
This is what the police station and the police cars look like.


*Cat: Bon dia, com estau? Avui ens toca un joc: endevina quina ciutat és. Heu de llegir totes les pistes i intentar esbrinar de quina ciutat estic parlant. Si ho endevinau, enviau-me la resposta amb el nom de la ciutat al meu correu:
Bon cap de setmana!

Wednesday 3rd

Hello everyone! How are you?
Today we are going to write a little bit, you need to take a look at the image and write some sentences.
Remember we say:
There is a   park   =     Hi ha un parc.
There isn't a   library  =  No hi ha cap biblioteca.
My code is: 6292p1rdd7

*Cat: Hola a tots, com va? Avui escriurem una mica, heu de mirar la imatge que surt a l'activitat i escriure algunes frases. Recordau que utilitzem "There is" per expressar que hi ha alguna cosa, i "There isn't" per dir que no n'hi ha. 

Monday 1st

Good morning! How are you today? We start a new month!
Today we'll review a bit there is and there isn't.
You need to open this link, look at the picture of the city and answer the questions.

*Cat: Bon dia, com estau? Comencem un nou mes! Avui repassarem un poc there is i there isn't. Heu d'obrir l'enllaç, mirar la imatge de la ciutat i contestar les preguntes.

Friday 29th

Hello everyone! Today it's Friday! 😺
Here's the activity: you have to write 4 sentences about some places that are near our school, CEIP de Pràctiques. Look at my example and complete the gaps:


There is a park near my school (Parc de ses Fonts). 
There is a ________ near my school.
There is a ________ near my school.
There is a ________ near my school. 

You can write the sentences on the notebook and send me a photo 📷 Remember my email is
Have a great weekend!

*Cat: Hola a tots, a l'activitat d'avui haurem d'escriure 4 frases sobre llocs que podem trobar a prop de la nostra escola. Mirau l'exemple i completau les frases, vos anirà bé el vocabulari que vam veure dilluns i dimecres. Les podeu escriure al quadern i enviar-me una foto al correu. Bon cap de setmana.

Wednesday 27th

Good morning!! How are you today?
Let's do one more activity about places in town, you have to click on the link and then answer the questions. When you finish, send me a photo📷 of the last message.

*Cat: Bon dia! Com estau? Avui farem una altra activitat per practicar els llocs de la ciutat, heu de contestar les preguntes i quan acabeu, enviar-me una foto del missatge que vos apareix al final.

Monday 25th

Good morning!! How was the long weekend?

Abans de començar, vos he de dir algunes coses:
Estic molt contenta de les feines que esteu fent i vos don s'enhorabona i molts d'ànims per seguir així de bé!!
Sabeu que fins ara hem estat repassant cosetes que hem vist al llarg del curs, aquesta setmana el que farem serà mirar algunes coses dels temes que tenim pendents i així el curs que ve quan les tornem a veure al manco ja ens sonaran una mica. Dit això, començam!

Today we'll take a look at the vocabulary from Unit 6 (it's on page 58).
Nº1: Look at this video with the new words. (L'heu d'ampliar perquè se vegi més gros).

Nº2: Try to find all the words from the video on this wordsearch.
When you finish the wordsearch, send me a photo of it by email:
(Quan acabeu la sopa de lletres, enviau-me'n una foto per correu).

Wednesday 20th

Hi!! How are you??
Today we're going to practise a tongue twister!! (embarbussament o trabalenguas).
Let's see if you can learn this tongue twister and say it faster than me:

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. 

Make a video saying the tongue twister and send it to my email:

My bloopers (tomas falsas) 
Tongue twisters are difficult and you won't say them correctly the first time... or the second time...
Don't give up and keep on trying!

*Cat: Bon dia! Avui practicarem un embarbussament, a veure si el podeu aprendre i dir més ràpid que jo!! Acceptau el repte? Gravau un vídeo diguent l'embarbussament i enviau-lo al meu email. Com podeu veure al segon vídeo, els embarbussaments no són fàcils i no vos sortiran a la primera, per tant no vos desanimeu i seguiu practicant!

** Hola a tothom, revisant els formularis de Pete the Cat que m'heu enviat, he vist que n'hi ha un parell que enlloc de posar el vostre nom heu posat el de Pete i ara no sé qui sou, si és el vostre cas, contactau-me per email a Els que encara no l'heu fet, pensau que a la primera pregunta heu de posar el vostre nom i la classe. Gràcies! **

Monday 18th

Hello everyone! We start a new week.
Today you are going to listen to a song and play a little game!
Here you have the link to a song, you have to listen to the song and click on the words that are missing, You have to be quick if you don't want the music to stop!

Short tutorial on how to play the game:

If you want, you can choose other songs in English, there are a lot!!

*Cat: Bon dia! Començam una nova setmana. Avui haureu d'escoltar una cançó i jugar a un joc! Aquí trobareu l'enllaç de la cançó, l'heu d'escoltar i anar fent clic a les paraules que falten. Heu de fer via si no voleu que s'aturi la música! També trobareu un petit vídeo tutorial de com s'empra la pàgina i com es juga. Com que és una pàgina amb moltes cançons, si vos fa ganes en podeu fer d'altres.

Friday 15th

Hello boys and girls!! How are you today?
Today we have a little story!
You need to watch the video and then answer some questions on the link.


Have a lovely weekend!

Wednesday 13th

Hi everyone!! How are you?
Today we have a listening activity: in nº 1 you have to listen and order the sentences (write the numbers), in nº 2 you have to listen, stop after every sentence, and repeat the dialogue.
My code is: 6292p1rdd7

*Cat: Hola a tots! Avui tenim una activitat d'escoltar: al nº1 escoltau el diàleg i ordenau les frases (posau els números així com ho escolteu), al nº2 heu d'escoltar, aturar després de cada frase i repetir el que han dit.

Monday 11th

Hello boys and girls! How was your weekend?
Today we start phase number 1, but don't go crazy and be responsible!!!
Remember to keep the distance and wash your hands A LOT.

Here you have today's activity:
My code is the same: 6292p1rdd7

(Al nº 1, heu d'unir pregunta i resposta, al nº2 ordenar frases i al nº3 completar les paraules que falten).

Friday 8th

Hi everyone!!
Last activity of the week. You have to read the text and fill the gaps with the correct options.
My code is the same: 6292p1rdd7

Wednesday 6th

Good morning!!
Here you have today's activity. You have to order the questions and match them to the correct answers.
My code: 6292p1rdd7

 You are doing a FANTASTIC work, I'm really happy to see you working like this, I love watching your videos and everything you send me so keep up!! 👏👏 WE CAN DO THIS💪

*Cat: Bon dia! Avui heu d'ordenar les preguntes i relacionar-les amb les respostes adequades.
També aprofit per dir-vos que estau fent una feina fantàstica, estic molt contenta de rebre totes les coses que m'enviau i seguiu així!!!!

Monday 4th 

Hi everyone!!! We start a new week.
I see some of you still need more time to prepare the video, so today's activity will be very short and easy. You only need to enter the link, look at the questions and answer them.
Remember my code is: 6292p1rdd7

*Cat: Hola a tothom, començam nova setmana. Veig que alguns encara necessitau un poquet més de temps per preparar el vídeo, per tant l'activitat d'avui serà molt curteta i senzilla. Només heu d'entrar a l'enllaç, mirar bé les preguntes (i recordar-les) i contestar.

Wednesday 29th

Hi everyone! How are you today?
Do you remember the text you had to write on Monday? I have probably sent you the corrections by now, so I want you to learn the text and make a video speaking about yourself. You can send it to my email:
Look at my example and check pronunciation:

If you don't know how to pronounce a word, you can check Google translate.

***Cat: Bon dia! Recordau el text que vau escriure dilluns sobre vosaltres? Segurament a hores d'ara ja vos he enviat a tots les correccions (si algú no me l'ha enviat, encara m'ho podeu entregar). La següent feineta és aprendre'l de memòria i gravar-se en vídeo explicant el que vau escriure. El podeu enviar al meu correu:  
Fora vergonya que no el penjaré al bloc!! No passeu pena. 
Mirau primer el meu vídeo d'exemple i escoltau bé la pronunciació. 
Si teniu paraules al vostre text que no sabeu pronunciar, les podeu cercar a Google translate  i escoltar-les. 

More wonderful dragons you have sent me: 

Monday 27th

Hello everyone! I hope you are fine and happy!
First of all, look at all the fantastic dragons you have sent me!!  (Encara me'n podeu continuar enviant, els aniré penjant aquí mateix).

Now, let's continue with the activities. Today's task will be a writing activity.
Write a text on the notebook or a piece of paper with information about yourself. You can use this example and change my information for yours. (Heu d'escriure un text com el de l'exemple i canviar la meva informació per la vostra, és a dir, lo que està subrallat).


My name is Patricia and I am 27 years old.
I live in Palma and I go to school at CEIP de Pràctiques.
My favourite food is pasta, my favourite sport is swimming and my favourite school subject is English
I love listening to music, but I don't like cooking.

You can send it to me by email:

Friday 24th

It's Friday, so here you have the solutions of the book game!!
Story 1 = The Sleeping Beauty (la bella dorment)
Story 2 = The three little pigs (els 3 porquets)
Story 3 = Harry Potter
Story 4 = Hansel and Gretel
Story 5 = Peter Pan
Congratulations to all of you who tried to guess the stories!! Many of you got all the answers correct!! Good job. (Enhorabona a tots els que heu intentat esbrinar-ho, molts tenguereu totes les respostes correctes!)

Now, the activity that I propose for today is also related to St George and the dragon.
You have to watch this video tutorial in English where they teach you how to draw a dragon.
Listen to the instructions and try to copy it on a piece of paper, and label the body parts. More or less like this:

Send me your dragons and I will post them here on the blog!! Don't worry if it isn't perfect, I like all dragons! Beautiful dragons, scary dragons, big dragons, small dragons, all of them!

My email:

**Cat: Mirau el vídeo tutorial en anglès de com dibuixar un drac i intentau dibuixar-ho a un paper, posant el títol i el nom de les parts del cos com veis a l'exemple. Me'l podeu enviar al correu i el penjaré al bloc. No importa fer-lo avui, ni demà... a mesura que el tengueu fet, me l'anau enviant. No importa que estigui perfecte com al vídeo! Els dracs poden ser bonics, terrorífics, grans, petits, és igual! 

Wednesday 22nd

Hello everyone! How are you today? 😀
This week is the international book day , so I propose a game!!
Here you have the plot of some books and stories. You have to guess the name of the book and send me an e-mail with the answers. My email is: 
On Friday I will show you the answers!!!

**Cat: Bon dia a tothom, com estau?
Aquesta setmana celebram el dia internacional del llibre, per això vos proposo un joc.
Aquí teniu l'argument d'alguns llibres i històries. Heu d'intentar endivinar el nom d'aquests llibres i enviar-me un correu electrònic amb les respostes. El meu correu és:
Divendres vos penjaré les respostes!!

Monday 20th

Good morning!! How were the Easter holidays?? I hope you did a looooot of funny things. (Esper que hagueu fet moltes coses divertides durant les vacances!)
Now we have to go back to work...
This week we celebrate 2 events: the international book day and Saint George's day, which is the patron saint of England (Saint George és el patró d'Anglaterra i també el coneixeu com Sant Jordi!)

Today we will watch the tale of Saint George and the dragon.

(No entendreu tot el que diuen però sí la història). 

Some words that appear on the story:
Cave - cova
Knight - cavaller
Village - poble
King - rei
Princess - princesa
Food - menjar
Gold - or

Wednesday 8th

Good morning!! Tomorrow we start the Easter holidays!! (Pasqua). In Mallorca,
on Easter, we cook panades and crespells, we have processions, etc. but in the
USA (United States of America), Easter is very different. 
Look at this nice presentation to learn about it. (Basta que mireu fins la diapositiva
 que posa "Activities").
Do you want to colour an Easter egg? 

*** Voleu preparar un Easter egg hunt per les vostres famílies? Pintau a un paper
 tots els ous que volgueu, els retallau i els amagau a diferents llocs de la casa.
Quan els tingueu tots amagats, demanau que els cerquin, a veure qui en troba més!! 

*** Durant les vacances, no vos penjaré feinetes d'anglès pequè pogueu descansar.
 Trobareu noves activitats a partir de dia 20 d'abril. 

Monday 6th

Hello! How was your weekend?
Today we are going to practise some personal information questions and answers. Read the questions carefully before you match them to the answers. (Llegiu bé les preguntes abans d'unir-les a la resposta corresponent).
My code: 6292p1rdd7


Friday 3rd

Good morning! How are you today?
Today we are going to watch a story 👀. The name of the story is: GIRAFFES CAN'T DANCE.
I hope you like it 👍  Have a nice weekend!

Wednesday 1st

Good morning! How are you today? 😀😀
This time we will practise CAN / CAN'T  (Unit 4). You have to complete the sentences using can or can't (puc / no puc).'t_uu32702ue
My code: 6292p1rdd7

Hugs and kisses! 😚

Monday 30th

Hello, how are you today??
Here you have a new activity to review the HOBBIES and free time activities (Unit 4). You have to click on the correct options.
My code: 6292p1rdd7

You are doing a great job!!!!!!!! 👏👏

Friday 27th

Hello everyone, how are you today?
Today you will do an activity to practise LIKES/DOESN'T LIKE.
Remember we say:

Here you have the activity:
Remember my code is: 6292p1rdd7

(Optional (pels que vulguin fer més coses) : You can practise the same but by listening to it. )

***Pels que trobeu que l'activitat vos costa molt, podeu fer aquesta que és més curteta.


Wednesday 25th

Hello, how are you today?
Today we are going to practice the vocabulary about FOOD (unit 3).
In this activity, there are some words that we haven't seen this year but I'm sure you know from previous years. If you don't remember them, you can use a dictionary. (Hi ha algunes paraules que no hem vist enguany però que vos sonaran d'altres cursos, si no les sabeu podeu cercar al diccionari).
My code is: 6292p1rdd7

Monday 23rd

Hello, how are you today?
With this activity you are going to review the SCHOOL SUBJECTS (Unit 2, page 14). You have to find the words at the wordsearch and click on the letters. Good luck! 😀💪
My code is: 6292p1rdd7

Friday 20th

Hello, how are you today?
With this activity you are going to review the ANIMALS (Unit 1).
My code is: 6292p1rdd7

There are some animal riddles (endevinalles), you have to read them and click on the correct animal.
Good luck! :)

*Missatge per a papàs i mamàs: les activitats que vaig penjant les poden fer quan puguin, entenc la complexitat de la situació i que molts han de compartir ordinador amb germans, amb vosaltres si treballeu a casa, etc. Per tant, com que són feinetes de repàs, no cal que les facin i les entreguin el mateix dia que les public, podeu anar al vostre ritme.

Wednesday 18th

Hello everyone! Today is Wednesday so here you have a new activity to review the HOURS.

My code is: 6292p1rdd7

Remember that we say:

It's three o'clock.
 It's half past one.

Monday 16th


How are you today? 

This week we start the online lessons!! I will give you new activities to do on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, so that you have more time to finish.
Today we had to organise a loooooooooooooot of things, so I will post the activity in the afternoon and you can do it tomorrow. :) 

[Català: No faceu trampa i llegiu-ho primer en anglès!! Aquesta setmana començam les classes online, vos donaré activitats per fer el dilluns, dimecres i divendres, perquè tengueu més temps per fer-les. Avui hem hagut d'organitzar moooooooltes coses i vos hauré de penjar l'activitat l'horabaixa, per tant la podeu fer demà.] 

Lots of virtual hugs and kisses!!! 😚


Here you have 2 activities to review the NUMBERS.

When you finish each activity, click on "Terminado" and then "Enviar a mi profesor".
Then, complete the information like this (but with YOUR name, not Menganito):

Remember my code is: 6292p1rdd7

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